

主演:Joe Estevez 克林特·卡米歇尔 Julia Kel 

导演:Dale Fabrigar 

简介:  A vehicle crash in the Pine Barrens leads to a missing teen which raises consp...


关键词:里德角免费在线观看 里德角高清完整版 里德角高清无删减观看 最新评分「1.0」里德角免费播放 里德角剧情简介

剧情:恐怖片《里德角》讲述了  A vehicle crash in the Pine Barrens leads to a missing teen which raises conspiracy theories about the infamous Jersey Devil legend. On the anniversary of the crash, Sarah Franklin, convinced her cousin Kelsey is alive, goes out to the crash site with Alex, Kelsey's boyfriend, to investigate. Things go downhill quickly as Sarah and Alex uncover what really lurks in the woods.

简介:《里德角》是由Dale Fabrigar 导演的一部恐怖片,里德角在美国首映,并在2022第一时间上映,主要演员有Joe Estevez 克林特·卡米歇尔 Juli 等主演,乌龟影院为大家提供里德角全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,里德角现更新至HD中字。



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