

主演:朱迪·加兰 乔治·墨菲 吉恩·凯利 


简介:After a late-night cup of coffee, vaudevillians Jo Hayden and Harry Palmer sit a...




关键词:只为你我免费在线观看 只为你我高清完整版 只为你我高清无删减观看 最新评分「0.0」只为你我免费播放 只为你我剧情简介

剧情:爱情片《只为你我》讲述了After a late-night cup of coffee, vaudevillians Jo Hayden and Harry Palmer sit at a piano and work a song. Moments later, Jo realises she's found exactly what she wasn't looking for a partner. And with Judy Garland as Jo and Gene Kelly as Harry, the partnership isn't just ideal. It's a film fan's dream come true. Kelly debuts and Garland dazzles in this Busby Berkeley-directed tale of a song-and-dance pair who take on tank towns, tough times and World War I while struggling for show-biz success. A hit parade of era tunes paces the film, including the wowser Ballin' the Jack and the sweetly harmonized title tune. Bursting with vitality and old-fashioned charm, For Me And My Gal is for the ages.

简介:《只为你我》是由巴斯比·伯克利 导演的一部爱情片,只为你我在美国首映,并在1942第一时间上映,主要演员有朱迪·加兰 乔治·墨菲 吉恩·凯利 等主演,乌龟影院为大家提供只为你我全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,只为你我现更新至更新至HD。



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