

主演:David Barry Baro Carvalho Chri 

导演:Ron DeCaro 

简介:The Gateway Meat is a disturbing and sadistic film, that strays far from the nor...


关键词:网关免费在线观看 网关高清完整版 网关高清无删减观看 最新评分「0.0」网关免费播放 网关剧情简介

剧情:恐怖片《网关》讲述了The Gateway Meat is a disturbing and sadistic film, that strays far from the normal conventions of the horror genre. It is about a group of Satanists, living in a quaint, coastal fishing town. As the film progresses we get to know the character played by DeCaro himself, Markus. The film is mainly about how Markus struggles as he tries to deal with the great expectations that are placed on him after his fathers death. Markus' father, who was a Satanist, was trying to open up a portal into hell. Now that he is gone, Markus must take the reigns, and gain the power that his father wanted. With the help of his family and a couple of friends, Markus murders his way to power, as his young, preschool aged daughter watches."

简介:《网关》是由Ron DeCaro 导演的一部恐怖片,网关在美国首映,并在2008第一时间上映,主要演员有David Barry Baro Carvalho 等主演,乌龟影院为大家提供网关全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,网关现更新至超清。



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