跑马 Trote


主演:Celso 塔玛拉·卡诺萨 玛丽雅·瓦兹盖兹 


简介:Carme lives in a mountain village in Galicia with her sick mother and father Ram...


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剧情:剧情片《跑马 Trote》讲述了Carme lives in a mountain village in Galicia with her sick mother and father Ramón, with whom she hardly speaks. Working in a bakery, she feels the urge to escape from this oppressive atmosphere, but circumstances always seem to stop her. But during the “Rapa das Bestas” weekend – a celebration of the age-old struggle between man and horse – Carme’s older brother, Luís, comes home with his wife María…

简介:《跑马 Trote》是由哈西奥·巴尼奥 导演的一部剧情片,跑马 Trote在西班牙 / 立陶宛首映,并在2018第一时间上映,主要演员有Celso 塔玛拉·卡诺萨 玛丽雅·瓦兹盖兹 等主演,乌龟影院为大家提供跑马 Trote全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,跑马 Trote现更新至超清。



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