

主演:Dinesh Ravi Samuthira Kani Mur 


简介:  A group of immigrants (Pandi, Murugan, Afsal and Kumar) are detained by the lo...


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剧情:剧情片《审判2015》讲述了  A group of immigrants (Pandi, Murugan, Afsal and Kumar) are detained by the local state police, tortured and forced to admit to a crime they have no knowledge of. When all hope seems to be lost, a policeman from their hometown speaks on their behalf at the court hearing, setting them free. The policeman asks for a return favor and the boys oblige, oblivious to the ill fate that awaits them. As they unwittingly bear witness to a political treason, the system seeks to silence them, at any cost. But Pandi is determined to be heard.

简介:《审判2015》是由Vetrimaaran 导演的一部剧情片,审判2015在印度首映,并在2015第一时间上映,主要演员有Dinesh Ravi Samuthira Kan 等主演,乌龟影院为大家提供审判2015全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,审判2015现更新至HD。



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