

主演:福里斯特·惠特克 奈杰尔·萨奇 伊芬什·哈德拉 露西·弗莱 


简介:  Godfather of Harlem Season 2 finds Bumpy Johnson battling the New York Crime F...


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剧情:欧美剧《哈林教父第二季》讲述了  Godfather of Harlem Season 2 finds Bumpy Johnson battling the New York Crime Families for control of the lucrative and murderous “French Connection,” the pipeline for heroin that runs from Marseilles to New York Harbor.  With a distribution syndicate that includes black crime bosses from other major U.S. cities, Bumpy takes a cue from his friend Malcolm X’s message of black economic nationalism. His ambitious plan will face challenges from not only the Italians but his wife Mayme, daughter Elise, rival Adam Clayton Powell, prosecutor Robert Morgenthau, and even Malcolm himself.  Once again, Godfather of Harlem explores the collision of the criminal underworld and civil rights in the colorful, tumultuous year of 1964.

简介:《哈林教父第二季》是由乔·施佩尔 导演的一部欧美剧,哈林教父第二季在美国首映,并在2021第一时间上映,主要演员有福里斯特·惠特克 奈杰尔·萨奇 伊芬什·哈德拉  等主演,乌龟影院为大家提供哈林教父第二季全集完整版免费在线观看,支持手机、平板、电脑多终端超清免费播放,哈林教父第二季现更新至已完结。



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